Monday, October 12, 2015

Secret To Dating

I've discovered the ultimate secret to dating. I'll say it in two words- work out.

Seriously, don't take a shower, shave and use that shiny soap and lotion that makes your face all clean and beautiful. Don't even try putting on your best clothes.

No, do all those things! Working out is the secret that gives the guys that macho feeling of confidence before going on a date. My mom even tells me that my face looks much more toned after I work out. It's a secret that I have uncovered from just messing around in the past.

I've successfully bonded with all girls, even the taller ones. I once hung out with a girl, and I didn't even know I was on a date with her. Yeah, it was at Disneyland just me and her. She was just talking and talking and talking... Was that a date? I don't know for sure. I didn't work out that day because I thought walking through Disneyland was a work out. She didn't call me back. She's a pretty hot girl, but I don't think she's right for me. I still would like to deal with her weirdness just because of how hot I think she is. Man, I would be really tempting to do something with her, but okay since she's gone from my life, I'm not going to worry about it.