Monday, October 31, 2016

Just Writing Anything

I have like four more after this so I'm just going to finish it up for the night. I guess I'm trying to be at least consistent in feeling up my days of the month. Whether I write something meaningless and nothing useful for everybody or not, this is turning out to be quite a fun hobby.

Nonetheless, I'm just typing at a random speed and improvising stuff that I'm writing without really thinking much effort right now. I've actually written like this several times from being mad and held nothing back. It's been giving me pretty good results all on my end.

It seems like when I get mad and express my disapproval with someone who was going off on me and then I keep doing it at a constant, steady pace. They don't really want me to yell at them anymore. If I go on full attack mode with people who were being jerks with me, then it shows that yeah they were on something and me going off on them isn't really me to begin with and what caused it would most likely be them yelling at me and some time has passed by.

I think I respond to angry remarks with anger if it's too constant after some time passes by. Yet, even though I'm mad I'm still willing to talk in an honest matter while I'm angry and shouting. It's pretty weird that I'm still conscience of how mad I am. I'm just letting it out because I really have to at that moment. It helps me cry afterwards when I have my own alone time. I'm then able to find comfort and just be at peace about the incident and be willing to talk and work it out. I might even drop my guard again from being relaxed, until the person gets me mad again.