Sunday, October 9, 2016

Blocking People On Facebook

Man, I'm so mean in nature. I did a bunch of trash talking to some of the church people who were involved in their restraining order scheme with me. I did it through a bunch of messages that strike the heart.

When I read them, they are extremely aggressive, to the point, honest, and seriously attacking the person's character in a funny manner. I'm clearly expressing my anger problems that I have with them. When I'm saying that I'm going to openly aggressive with them as well, this is where it might actually concern them because I'm going to be actually yelling and blurting out funny comments.

Those comments that I am saying are also hurtful and disrespectful. They are very disparaging and my choice of words are brilliant because it's coming across contrary to someone who deserves a frivolous restraining order. My pain has been exaggerated because each day I am living, I'm starting to just not care what they did to me, but I'm bent on getting back at them. My way of doing this is to just make Lee my Facebook friend. She can represent all the others who fell out with me because of this incident. She's pretty much the ring leader. It would mean my trophy from my hard work of trying to reconcile this matter while playing ultra dirty!

This is what I wrote to Betty Lam: one of my posts talks about I'm going to try flirting with her like a little kid. She ended up ticking me off because I just let out my anger issues I built up with her and talked about how I was going to behave aggressive with her which would put her in a negative light. The whole incident is frivolous and she played the part of the butt head.

You are a butthead and can't let go of things that aren't too serious. You are so stupid and I'm glad I made you fail in life. You don't believe me? Remember the court case, you didn't do anything right. Lee failed to get it extended and I've been all over her. I'm putting one on you too and I did that to Washington. Just put one on me first and give me your address! Just ask how I blocked Lee on Facebook, too. I'm doing the same to you. You deserve it and you suck and next time I see you or call you, I'm going to yell at you directly. You are an ugly moron too. Your boyfriend looks a lot hotter than you. Share that last sentence with him. Boink, easy block-y on a stupid sissy like you.