Thursday, June 1, 2017

Concealed Smack Talk

***This one goes out to the pastor, Chai. Yeah, I'm seriously smack talking to him this time around. I am concealing my actual speech here and giving him no room to respond to me in a way that helps himself. It looks like I'm totally ready to bring it and take him down just for fun, which might be an unnecessary headache for him that he wants to brush off. ***

Hi, I heard some spiritual discussion about you and was wondering if you could provide something I need. NOT! I'm just kidding you because you suck. This is [name withheld] and if you attack me, I will smack the living the daylights out of you to the point that you get hurt so bad out of self-defense. I'm not going to hold back anymore and will talk to you totally unrestrained. I don't care, I will just call them if you do something I think is really illegal and I will be sure to question your motives by bringing them out into light this time.

Yeah, you seriously need help if you can't handle being a friend all this time which is what I want after all. I'm going to come visit that church whether you are dead or not or not even at that church anymore after I become a millionaire and have a six pack at the same time. It's my goal that I'm struggling with while trying to be right with the Lord and it has nothing to do with you. I will also place a restraining order on you and return back the favor that you do to me in response. I don't care if you think I gave you incentive, I will return your response back to you. I hope you are happy because I'm going to be that way regardless of what you do and me doing the same back to you. I'm really good at talking honestly and making an impact in a way that others will see you for what you are, whether it's negative or positive. I don't care now.