Friday, June 2, 2017

Creating Routine

I'm back to my good old ways of trying to make a healthy routine.

Studying the Bible is something that I always feel is a part of me and something I hunger for in a daily fashion. Right now, I'm trying to go through a yearly Bible reading plan. I am using an app called E-Sword and have purchased a $40 companion of the commentary by Dr. Vernon McGee. His work is a delight to read and try to absorb with my limited patience and lack of attention.

I'm just prayerful that the Word will get me soon up to date and reveal to me all the wrongdoings I've been succumbing to and that I will be able to stay humble and steadfast. Yeah, my personality likes to get along with people. I can't stand some things out of wanting to feel a little jealousy too. I don't understand how a multitude of people can just like something that I don't feel connected to sometimes. I guess that's life and something I accept in knowing that person is someone I have been associated with.

Yeah, I'm weird and not that well favored. I'm very undisciplined at heart but make strides to keep pushing forward. It's only been recent that all the silly troubles I put myself through has been because of my trash-talking tongue! It was something that I really tried to control and yet some unsuccessful individuals around me were having trouble and started to feel frightened and tormented by me in a funny way. Okay, I'm starting to feel for them now and whatever others do because they don't see anything in value with me, it's cool I guess.