Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Going On Writing Binge

I'm just talking crazy here and totally unreserved. I don't feel comfortable talking about masturbating and porn and other unclean stuff on the net. It's not my style to really bring up in general. I'm totally just going rogue and open with myself in this whole propriety thing of keeping things to myself.

Normally for my own interests, I will hang on to stuff. Obviously, if I end up breaking the law to harm Chai Bee Sting or Chris Sucks-a-lot or Goof ball Golf or even Jerky Jarred, I still want to be friends with them in the end! They will seriously have some massive problems in being my friend. It's a no-brainer! They would need to get some professional help to make it happen with me.

With me about to unload with explosiveness with a bunch of no-name losers, I think they would want to respect my Napoleon complex.  I have a huge massive one at times and sometimes, I just try not to care while I'm really angry. Maybe it's my anger problems coupled with my inferiority complex that makes me try to go overboard. I think they were afraid of me going there. Since I football tossed a Book of Mormon that whizzed past through Pastor Chai Bee Sting, I think that made Oyuri the Schmuck be like "Oh, you're a psycho!" the whole time with me. I blocked her on my Facebook profile after telling her off. No need for such nonsense!

Actually, I'll talk to Stupid Lee because she's the one who started it and tell her that I have her blocked on Facebook with my fake profile and that I want to be friends with her again. The incident wasn't really that big because she was just having sensitivity issues. She's stupid and looks bad for what she did and I don't care! I'm a reminder that she sucks at living in general and I can live with that while parading around her and being a friend at the same time.