Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Helping Nobody

This blog is of really no help to anybody. I'm not really sorry. It's very egotistical and not something I'm proud about promoting. I tell people I have a blog, but don't tell them to read it. This is more like a semi-journal. One stupid girl named Oyuri the Schmuck even claimed this whole blog is a fake!

Whatever man. One thing that I do notice about writing whatever here is that it's keeping me from going insane. This is pretty much my outlet to talk bad about people my way which is just being blunt. Hey it's the truth and if they read it and hate it, then the joke is on them because it's a truthful observation about them. What better way to get personal things off my chest right?

It's smart, funny, and even to a point sassy while commenting on strategies to approach this person who I think is an imbecile. In my nature, I'm called to love whoever so even if they are a bunch of little weenies who just want to be left alone in the day, I need to call them out to get some professional help to help them get over something silly that they can't let go of!

I want to make peace with Stupid Lee and Oyuri the Schmuck still to this day! I might just engage in this sarcastic run this time, but only after I manage to become a millionaire with a six pack.