Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Back to Adjustments

It appears that I'm going to have to prioritize based on my needs. The toughest part for me is having to deal with some cravings of wanting to be married to a beautiful lady and enjoying the family while being well off financially. I guess I can call that a desire while I keep on aging! I feel very fortunate to now be able to see things better for what they really are and it just belongs to some intense laboring and having acceptance.

Because of my busy work schedule and my personal demands of how I want to live, I believe that I'm going to have to just run through the motion for now and labor pretty well with where I want to go in life. I'm not really going to be able to put that many hours during my busy days from expecting myself to be tired. Maybe when my schedule clears up, I'll have a better shot of managing more fun stuff to do.

Okay, so I now want to become a physically fit, financial trader who is in tune with the Bible! Yeah, it's hard but that's who I want to be for making a living. I guess the weekend which are my days that I'm off will be where I get to add on some breathing room. I'm also going to need to find a Christian fellowship eventually for myself to also grow in.