Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Planning and Executing

I believe that a large portion of being satisfied with living my days will really come from planning with all my heart and then carrying them out with all my efforts. It's all personal goals to go after and it makes me happy. It's sad that a few people became crazy with me from having anger issues because they couldn't let something that didn't even matter go. I was complaining to them about it and I'm glad I didn't follow through with getting lost in the matter about it. I would have been so emotionally carried away with it and it would have distracted me and hindered me from going after achieving my personal dreams. I'm now calm about the situation and aware of the tools I have available to dispose of their stupidity towards me! It's all about having fun and I really don't care at this point because they are imbeciles.

It's like having this charged feeling of confidence and being accepting of the past without requiring much struggles of any depressed feelings. It's quite the opposite and I feel free from the silly debacle that took me out of commission for awhile. I'm just glad that I have options now and it just doesn't matter what they decide to do in the end because I already know where I stand with them and how I will conduct myself no matter what. I'm stubborn in this area of acting morally proper while openly making honest remarks that will make them look bad now and laughing about it with others and maybe no one because I could be making fun of them too!

Honestly, I feel like what they did doesn't matter and they were just being stupid and trying to act almost cult-like with me. I wasn't joining their club and partaking in weird rituals with them, so yeah it's okay that I fell out with them and made them feel like I ripped their hearts out!  Because I didn't agree with them, they became angry and that's it.