Saturday, June 2, 2018

Knowing What To Work On

I had a chance to stare at my naked body with a full-scale mirror for awhile after doing a work out. I can see where I would like to work on and it's a no-brain-er that others would do this too. Whether it hurts your confidence or not is one thing and I'm sure some out there don't want to think about how hard it's been to stay consistent with obtaining and managing a nice body. The main excuse is probably because of having pain or not wanting to take it that seriously. It's like you can start worrying and then try and forget about it the next and just drop it completely out of your system. I honestly don't understand how my buddies manage to block out their feelings of insufficiency while thinking about themselves and laugh at other people's miseries! It drives me a little crazy thinking about it at that angle so I guess I have to learn to accept it even if the truth is so annoying to figure out. I guess this is what loving someone is all about and it includes accepting them for who they are including all their flaws and letting yourself stress out from caring so much about them and doing your best to stay positive that things will turn out okay.

With my body, I've been just mainly running and stretching with awesome yoga classes. It's the same old breathing hard while challenging your body to do amazing poses that require balance and flexibility. It really helps out my form with running and staying consistent for my long half-marathon sessions. I don't think it's crazy that I run this much and starting to pick up on it. It's an acquired taste that I'm sure people would eventually be aware of in others who run like I do.

Right now, I feel that I need to just develop my arms and abs. Everywhere else is actually not that bad in my body including my intimate areas! I'm not going to describe them that much out of wanting to hold it back for like the wife someday or God can inspire me to keep on exercising because of how I look! Yeah, my arms look really flabby even though I can hold up at least 40 pounds with one hand. I guess I want some definition in that area and will figure something out. Maybe that beach body workout plan might come in handy. I also want to have killer abs as well and once I have those two features, it's just a matter of becoming rich and owning my own beautiful home and landing a gorgeous wife who knows how to have a lot of fun and wants to do that with me!

It's pretty sad that my fleeting youth has been spent in playing video games, but I don't really regret it that much because it was so fun. It's just going to be sad to have kids while so old and maybe not being able to reach seeing their grand kids and the next. I could maybe raise them really well that they have so much maturity and marry young and do something that I wasn't able to do. I guess it would be better to work at improving my own line and contributing to the generations. My parents struggled a lot and weren't able to help so much in those areas from making the mistake that it was an assumption that everybody naturally know how to work at. It's pretty weird how they think in this area and it's annoying!

I thank a large part of having this rejuvenated spiritual and happy feeling is from working at having a relationship with the Lord. His Word alone brings me amazement and to my knees in worship as I allow my heart to drive out all my sins and happy to be in the faith that it's true that my sins are washed away and I can live with a guiltless conscience while loving the Lord and serving His purposes by loving others as well.