Monday, June 25, 2018

Wow, Staying Focused

During this week long excursion with an unrelated girl I'm close to and treat like family, I got to learn that I actually care for this special lady friend. She's been calling me a big brother or brother while introducing me as her friend to others and sometimes she adds that I'm like her big brother. She even added in a subtle hint that she has a soft spot for me. I don't really know what that means, but I'm cool with not asking so far. I definitely see a potential with her digging me romantically and I just think it's cool. I'm not really trying to initiate it because I still see some flaws with her that I might have to work out. She responds really well to me and we had a few arguments and she was like tired of talking to me and like didn't engage me further while labeling me as a normal person who sides with others instead of her.

Maybe because we agree with each other that we are family, we can see each other like adopted siblings but it doesn't mean that romantic potential would be limited. I mean no legal papers went into the process and we just bonded really well and she's been showing signs of being a hopeful partner to me.  Yeah, it's quite funny in a way to be really close to her and seeing those girly emotions come out of her with me. I just continue to be honest by all accounts and with all the time we spent together, it feels like we've gotten to know each other pretty well over the last year.