Friday, December 20, 2019

Anaylizing How I Spend My Time

I'm starting to understand now that I just have to put in a little more effort to get more of my challenging tasks done. No longer do I feel really so ashamed and like I can't forgive myself if I don't do them. I guess that's why they call it work with what I'm trying to do on the side after my day time job.

I just need to put in some effort now to build myself a new routine so I can add in going to the gym, cooking, programming, planning, and grooming myself. It's just a matter of remembering and just doing it regardless of how worn out I feel. I guess it might be because I want to be a little lazy, but I shouldn't be that way. It's not that it's super boring to me, and I also don't need to go into any rehab either. 

Well, the exception is just a few people were angry with me from having mental problems and being selfish about not wanting to work with me on something unimportant and not time consuming too which I thought was odd. They are just having trouble managing their emotions, so I'm not shy about calling them out on it personally if they can't be calm because in a way, it is pretty funny. It's like I can be their big brother on reminding them how things should be done to keep things more subtle and nicer. I don't really have any issues anymore with having to deal with this stuff. I'll get around to scraping up the leftovers when I have time someday like when I have enough to at least semi-retire.