Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everybody! I'm writing this post also right after the last one today. I feel like I could make a little more improvements from yesterday. When I got home, I was looking to watch an exciting basketball game but nothing was on so then I ended up playing poker and trading at night. I guess I could go hit the gym as well, which I start needing to do even though I'm able to get my cardio in daily at work during my lunch hour and break time. I power walk for about two miles everyday, which has become a routine for me. 

A few coworkers also do it daily on their own too, but I think they understand how healthy it is. I think it might not be that fun for everyone else to get themselves moving to try to stay in shape. It's just a bunch of laziness and impatience to me!  

I'm now working at swing trading twice a day, which means once in the morning and the other in the evening. I'm getting better with my indicators in selecting slightly longer term trades without being stopped out and staying competitive with other traders. It's interesting and fun. I just see myself trying to gain some passive income out of it. 

On top of that, I just need to suck it up and keep on going after being part of the software business. This is what I really want to do, even though it's a struggle for me right now. It's still better than watching TV to pass the time and while feeling empty about it. I'm really sure of myself that I am intended to be a developer, since I've been programming and always felt good about accomplishing something that works perfectly. This time I'm also into the software engineering aspects, so I care all about the efficiency in performance and saving space on computer hardware whenever it can be implemented.