Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Approaching Consistency

Well, this is pretty neat in that I'm approaching the end of the year and for the first time in all the twelve years I've had this blog running, I will be having a year where I posted the equivalent amount of days with respect to its month. What I mean is for example, I kept it like 31 for January and 28 for February and kept it going to now! It's really difficult to keep up like this because of so many other distractions that are out there in this world.

What would be an even crazier but cooler thing would be being able to personally update something here daily. That's just too hard for me to do because I'm not going to be at a computer everyday. I also don't have the features to auto-post something on a certain date unless I program it or find someone else who wrote it already and offering it for free. I might think of doing that so I can just keep on writing my ideas and just let the script post something for me once a day. Well to make this happen, I would also need a running server and I don't want to pay for it.

Oh I just figured it out. You can send a scheduled e-mail using g-mail to post onto this blog. There is a secret domain name and it's annoying if someone finds out and then posts their hacker friendly content on it. It's very disruptive and I've had it happened to me, so I know the feeling. If I was teenager then I would probably want to do it to someone else just to see what it's like being the hacker and doing something that's cool but I'm over that now and prefer to stay a gentleman.