Wednesday, December 4, 2019

My Life In Detail

I have done what I think is the impossible and figured out everything with what my daily life is about. I have four main categories: 1) main tasks, 2) interests and hobbies in order of precedence, 3) long-term side things, and 4) my motivations.

It might be a little complex than I would like but I'm able to make it fit, so let's see if it does make any sense writing it out on here. 

Main Daily Tasks 

1) Study the Bible at least one chapter a day and practice the Bible.

2) Work

3) Trade currency for profit.

4) Exercise

5) Nutrition/Cooking

6) Focus on doing at least one module a day for learning.

7) Attempt to learn something for programming

8) Blog

9) Fantasy Football

Daily Hobbies / Interests (in order of precedence)

1) Date / Social life / Making plans

2) Answering questions on Quora.

3) Surfing the web.

4) Playing Poker.

5) Watching TV for personal entertainment.

6) Video games

7) Playing the piano.

Long-term side things

1) Grow more hair

2) Clean my face

3) Grow taller

Personal Motivation

1) Hard work

2) Personal Confidence

3) Drink anything to stay awake (e.g. energy drink, tea, or coffee)