Monday, December 16, 2019

Working On Priorities

It looks like I'm very capable of getting most of my priorities out of the way at work. The only thing I really need to add regularly now is to start cooking and heading over to the gym. It probably makes sense that I won't have the time to do those things sometimes, if I decide to commit to other plans during the week. I think I can accept it now. 

I don't think there's anything to feel bad about, so might as well just try really hard. I might have a decent idea what to get for Christmas with my asexual partner. Yeah, it's about time I started shopping for some presents by now. I've been too consumed with having fun in my own personal life that I should give back a little to at least those around me who care. It is pretty stressful to go shopping for one though and will drain some money, while requiring time to wrap some presents so will take a little personal sacrifice. I think it's better to start earlier now since I have like two weeks and it crossed my mind. 

I think I'm going to choose some fun people and my family to give a present too. At my asexual partner's house, she hasn't put up any traditional Christmas tree. I guess I can try putting some Christmas lights up too for fun at my parent's home. It looks like I'm a little grittier this year so thinking about the amount of time and physical effort which would go into doing all of this doesn't really phase me.