Monday, December 30, 2019

Working From Yesterday

I ended up going on my computer with the intention of trading for a little bit before going to the gym. I didn't do this because I let myself get carried away with watching YouTube videos to see if they would make me laugh and reading comments from users. Actually, I was just randomly fascinated with watching top-notch, drum line duels. I was part of a field marching band in high school for a couple years and was so out of shape and the band director forced me to switch over to a bigger brass instrument and I wasn't having that after two years. I was such a sissy and also mad about my pride of not playing original instrument. I think I was more interested in getting better with it rather than caring about the whole band. I was so mad underneath that I quit upon the band director's insistence to keep on playing it!

I think I'm just a little slow on picking up on things because I have to rely on my intelligence and not that lucky with finding favor from others. The only reason I had this favor is because I worked really hard on myself and performed so well with my grades in the beginning. I then became really childish and kept on playing video games which was silly but so fun! I'm not really taking up gaming as much of my hobby anymore even though I still have cravings for it sometimes. I just don't go there anymore. 

Physically, I'm short and normal guys are expected to be a little bit taller so that's already going to have some naysayers, but these people might not really have much going for them and how what they say or do might literally have no impact on what I do with my personal life. In the end though, I think it's only really me working on myself and going through some trials. These trials really might feel like I'm dating the worst sides of myself. I have so many things I can share from messaging this one nice lady who is married to an idiot that tried to give me a hard time, but I don't really need to still give into it like he has been doing. In a way, I can conjecture that I'm way better than all the brats who are out there in this world.