Saturday, December 28, 2019

Letting Things Go

I'm pretty much more chill now with people doing stuff that makes me feel offended. I'm not mad about mostly a guy once in a while deleting me as a friend on Facebook. He must not want to be on the same page with me! 

Also with that old care group, wow, just wow! Wherever they are at the moment, I just know now that I'm really confident and not shy to bring it up to talk about it. If they don't want to then it's because they are really mad about it while having mental problems with setting the table straight. This is pretty much a legal way of imposing it on them and letting them know in a nice manner that you are just using legally, expressive words and they are thinking crazy mostly because they can't control their emotions and you just don't care about how it doesn't faze you while letting them know that you hope they improve themselves.

I had the game plan correct but where I totally suffered was that my mind blanked out and I became shy so I couldn't tell them what I was looking to get out of it with them. They really suffered with some anger management problems because of me doing that to them. I'm now fully aware of it and have grown to be a better person, so it's cool for me actually. 

What I basically learned all this time now is the important skill of legally imposing on angry strangers who just don't want to have anything to do with you in a skillful and slick manner. I was only provoked to do this to them because they were being a bunch of idiots in my mind who actually cared about doing their own business with me but I never told them this directly and was too shy to explain it to them. Not anymore of course and I can suck in enough bravery or deal with feelings of hardships which comes from being a little too annoyed and managing to still be nice about it. I actually like being this way and saying a bunch of smart comebacks, so I can laugh about it later and the same person will want to watch what they are saying with me more often. 

Maybe, they will talk behind my back like a loser but it's not like I'm afraid to confront them head on for anything and to even stay cordial about it while communicating. They might still be at least a little moody and out of it though and will basically show it by raising their voice and me not needing to because I'm in control and ready to speak clearly and confidently and legally too! It's a triple combination that can't be beaten when you are imposing things on a stranger for anything that provokes you.