Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Happy Christmas Eve

I'm already ahead by a week with writing on this blog. It's been useful to compose these posts on Gmail and schedule them for free, so I'm saving a lot of money while hopefully looking like a genius from scheduling a post at the same time everyday much like a routine. This will be posted on the 24th, and it's all about just having fun for me. I'm pretty open to sharing about my life, and it looks like I've quieted my dissenters. Those revilers are going to have to go look somewhere else now, because I'm about doing some serious business of living a fun, righteous life that anyone can relate to. I honestly think they just went crazy because their thinking was out of it and they became really mad and couldn't control it that well. It would be much to their embarrassment, but it really doesn't matter to me. I'm just happy to not be that shy anymore and willing to work with anyone, no matter what mood they are in.

I did end up making a nice run overnight with my demo account in swing trading. I think I have a reliable system coming around, but it's just still going to need some more tweaking. I just hope it keeps on working once my three months of profiting are up, and I start going into business with actual money. It's going to be of great help to me with making a comfortable living, if I can eventually beat the pack and that's what I'm striving towards.