Saturday, March 28, 2020

Coronavirus Lockdown

Well, I consider my life to still be really lucky in that I can still go to work at my office. It's pretty insane with how the road has cleared up during rush hour after work. It even feels a little unfamiliar to me. I'm guessing that once the road gets filled back up with cars after this is sorted out, I'll probably wish it was empty again! 

My routine hasn't changed that much still except that I don't have a few things to do for keeping myself entertained like going to watch a movie. It also gets me thinking about how I miss going to the gym now, since I'm paying for a membership. 

From what the notice at work says about the coronavirus, as long as you don't feel really sick, nor coughing, nor having trouble breathing, you don't have signs of being infected. A recommended procedure if any of you guys haven't received the message from anyone by now is to have a sip of water often for just in case the virus gets into your mouth. It will get destroyed by the stomach acids. 

Now it makes sense with how the coronavirus can't really spread from digesting food. It isn't strong enough to survive the intestinal fluids, neither can it survive some bleach detergent! Don't just take my word for it. I would like to tell my readers to also do your own research. Some exciting topic is that leading experts are attempting to create a universal vaccine for all coronavirus strands. There has yet to be word on using any other safe medication to treat the deadly symptoms.