Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Finding Balance

I'm at a state of mind these days where I'm not really so worried about how I'm going to end up with now. I'm just going along with the flow and if the connection happens with someone and she reciprocates it back, then it's going to be awesome.

I'm pretty much worried about my future finances for the most part. I'm doing the best I can while going with something I enjoy doing just to make a living. Honestly, I feel really lucky to have this computer programming job. It's been a delight to be able to work on my own and to research while coming up with clever methods to improve the system I'm working on. 

It's just the matter of continuously working on it and what's so good about it is that I feel the passion and sense of purpose with doing a job like this. In a way, I feel extremely lucky and sometimes it's a stroke of genius that I'm blessed with and get to express just a hint of it to go along with my happiness of feeling like a know-it-all. 

Even with the finance issues and being distracted about it, I'm going to keep my heart open with finding someone and try to go for it whenever I feel comfortable. If I'm turned down, then it's not a big deal and I'm still going to be gentle about it since I don't really care now and see that to life, it doesn't matter who I'm going to end up with in time as long as I stay happy. Also, there's a lot of effort I want to constantly put in for myself and don't have any worries with how things are going to turn out.