Thursday, March 19, 2020

Things To Work On

I have been used to running at a relaxed pace now, and it's probably a lot faster than a person who hardly runs, but still, it would be nice to make some more improvements. This is where I'm realizing that going to gym and doing some strength training is going to be also important for me. I read that the best runners don't just run, but also put in some gym time. This statement really inspires me to get hit the gym now and spend a little time grinding to make my body sore and then recover in a couple days each week.

My poker sessions are getting better with me having better reads on my opponents. It's sometimes really obvious that you shouldn't call their huge bet because they have that card you are suspecting based on how the shared cards turned out. Sometimes, even though I feel like I'm heavily favored to lose, I just call it because I think I have to in terms of percentages. I even lose with pocket AA sometimes, and it really doesn't bother me anymore. I treat it like a regular loss that stings and move on to try again. Well, it has the best percentage of winning, and I want to have those kinds of hands much as possible going for me when I'm about to move all in. From playing in this manner, I'm now reaching 400 million play chips! It looks like I may need to reach 5 billion now to be a Top 10 player. I said last time I needed 3 billion. These Top 10 players are really that good so are able to keep on winning more in the name of just fun.