Monday, March 16, 2020

Holding On For The Best Prize

I'm getting some hits from all sorts of ladies who might not be the best looking physically. I don't really think looks matter that much. I still think this new girl I'm around for work is hot, even though I don't feel it sometimes. I guess when the opportunity arises, and I feel like jumping to the occasion then might as well go for it and see what happens. I used to think it would really suck to be laughed at for failing and became a little paranoid about it, but it shouldn't really be anything to worry about in the first place.

Finding a lot of different solutions later on, it really does take a lot of effort to improve things that are under your control. I honestly like doing that to make a living. I think the more important thing is to just accept how things are much as possible and be happy about it. I guess that's been my motto while being nice friends with a few beautiful ladies. I'm really comfortable these days with being around that crowd, and it's totally about exhibiting personal confidence. I don't seem to have too much trouble with it anymore.