Monday, March 23, 2020

Making Some Subtle Changes

I'm back to being in a small rut right after getting out of work. I feel blessed to have this job and really lucky to be able to do some developing. It's really about just putting in the time and that's about it. If you don't do it, then it means you're pretty much snoozing and you lose.

The fact that I just like it and want to still do more while making a lot of money is the pursuit that I'm attempting to go after. I guess it's about really focusing and having a good time pretty much when it comes down to winning. I mean you have to just put in all this effort to figure out what needs to be done to win and if it's not going to get you in trouble with external factors and it's still relatable to others then yes, it's the journey to take. 

After all, there's really no need to compare yourself to others since we're all different and unique. There are some people I don't like and not going to be shy about admitting it, but I can't say it's my place to be able to help those people. Yet, if I'm inspired by something about them or have something selfish I want to aspire to, then of course I'm going to include them. Now, it makes sense with my mental makeup and anger that just offloads itself with my wild imaginations. I'm lucky to be able to do this and have a better understanding even though I keep on trying to which makes it interesting and gets me feeling a bit more laid back.