Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Things To Keep Occupied With Coronavirus

Well, I would normally be writing this today but I'm already a few days ahead of schedule and willing myself to to put something on here, so this may not be my best work. Personally, I have figured out the woman's body I would love to be married to and enjoy a lot of sex with on a regular basis so that's me being very crude and open about it. Oh well, I don't have my face and name to represent this blog so might as well go all out! I'm not going to be saying cuss words even though I can still put out insulting stuff on here from just repeating the garbage which would still do the same trick of offending others! 

Yet, I'm just so amazed by how I'm still getting visits to this site! Okay, I'm really inspired to be peaceful even though I'm letting loose here and giving into the small evils remaining in my heart. A good lady shared with me a wonderful Christian daily devotional that she personally reads and I was really touched by this one. It was just unusual with how she was complaining to me and then just bounced back to her usual self. 

She was complaining how I wasn't building her up and sounding so salty about a lot of stuff and putting it on auto-repeat and that she was so tired of it! Okay putting that aside, I didn't officially masturbate to porn but I got off to a body that I would love to be married to. How does that sound putting it in my prayers while hoping to marry this chick with the body I want someday and who also comes with the quality personality? 

Well, maybe I can find someone better but I know I'm definitely straight and found material that appeases my extremely heterosexual fantasy, so now what's next? I want to find a woman in like manner and who has lovely morals and preferably a Christian and likes to do this kind of stuff while being married! Yeah, it would be fun while locking the doors and ignoring the kid's pleas or maybe buy a sound proof door. When it's opened then yeah, checking on the kids while having messy hair.

This might sound a little too graphic but whose kidding. If you're a parent of a son and you're Christian then you would want this child to line up something like that minus avoiding the bad stuff in life. If it's growing up and past puberty, while understanding and coming to terms with aggro-hormonal states then yeah it's how it is. What probably made me get more excited about porn was that my dad covered my eyes with those scenes, so if he hadn't done that then I wouldn't have learned all I can about reproducing but yeah, I can't really blame him for doing that and possibly, it was just born into me naturally but it flipped the switch into a stronger interest because he tried to avoid discussing it with me!