Thursday, July 23, 2020

Better Positively in Tune

I really think the Bible is like an awesome pastime to keep on listening to while commuting. I try my best to pay attention to it even though the wording is hard to discern sometimes and is easy to fill my mind with other entertaining or distracting thoughts. I don't really find myself dabbling with negativity for so long though. I'm still sticking out my middle finger at nothing when I'm feeling randomly stressed from anything on the road. I'm not really a fan of this emotion that feels like you are stuck in one place and can't be flexible enough. I guess driving does get old after being such a common thing to do daily while gassing a muscle car that needs to be tweaked or traded in for a better one! I hide my middle finger from drivers who are close and pretend that I'm not looking at them, but I don't have any specific complaint against them. It's just me being crazy there. I guess I can still force myself not to give into any road rage if I really had to. After all, my personal battles with the past and having an unresolved grudge on them was solved from just labeling them to be crazy and fully convinced they are.

Moving onto something more personal with daily life, I'm going to try to dedicate myself more to playing on my Switch and watching anime last. I'm finding my side business activities to be interesting for me. I would like to work my way to getting in the gym and going around to the local aquatic center, so I'll just do an easy set of push-ups, sit-ups, and pull ups daily while looking to build it from there. There's no need to stress out about my appearance, since I'm interested in doing this just for fun and have come to accept my short height. I don't think I'm that ugly to begin with and feeling grateful over it.