Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Moving Forward

I guess I'm just going to write on here about how I'm progressing now with putting in actual money for trading stocks and currency in the Forex market. I've been practicing trading the Forex market for awhile now, and it's something I'm comfortable with now. I'm putting in $1000 to start out and so it's not too bad on my savings if I end up losing it all. 

Along with Internet Poker, I'm putting in roughly $100 and trading it with bitcoins legally. It's pretty cool in a sense because the withdrawal is fast and free for the site that is offering it. It's also a unique way of working with getting paid any profit I make without the hassle of having to get it cleared at the bank. 

Lastly, I have put in $1900 to start out right now with doing stocks. I'm also going to diversify another $3100 once I get the core portfolio that I want set up. It looks like I'm now going in motion, while pretty comfortable with wagering this amount. Underneath my psyche, I'm happy and feeling confident about doing really well for myself. My goal is to be a millionaire by the end of this year, and I know I'm going to fail but it doesn't matter to me. I will still hold myself to high standards with good moral conduct. 

Overall, it looks like my starting capital is going to be $6100 for my side business. I'm excited about doing this and working towards securing a financially independent future. I am also a moderate risk taker and very comfortable with it. For now, this is my comfort level but who knows it could change to being more careful later on if I end up doing well for myself. I'm okay with contributing this much compared to my current salary and if this model I'm following ends up working out then I'm going to be putting in much as I can. 

I totally enjoy just letting it run and going with the ups and downs while in the end settling for a nice averaged out and good profit. This is how investors trade, but I am also a swing trader and Poker player with my own system now.