Monday, July 27, 2020

Comparing Personal Goals to Actual Living

I guess there's a huge benefit for me personally in that I have learned to portray myself authentically from writing on here. I literally don't like to swear around people and won't bother to even write it for possibly readers to catch it on here. When I used these asterisks or dashes to cover bad words while expressing myself with angry people, they didn't seem to care and couldn't stop responding back with crazy texts. This is my experience of trying to be funny with them, but they just didn't see the dark, dry humor I was trying to convey with them at the time. I don't think that was really the issue though, but with how I was actually conflict-avoidant and still trying to go at it with them. They were throwing insult-tantrums at me, which really ticked me off a lot. When I would calm down after doing my thing to get back at them, they would say another insult that would get me angry again to repeat the same minor activity to drive them crazy. It was a never-ending cycle.

Things have changed now from having just opened myself up, since a bad and crazy friend has sometimes claimed that I can still say funny things while being this way when we get into altercations via texting! I don't think there's really going to be a fallout anytime soon, but the wise course of action would maybe be not to continue wasting my time trying to convince him that he's crazy even though I usually end up making fun of him and sending him a lot of laughing cartoon pics of myself which he labels to be crazy. It could just be a front I have formed from having adjusted to some of his past responses that infuriated me. 

I've been reading up on investing the stock market and have finally managed to place a few orders. I would like to continue doing this. It looks like quite possibly my style of being less hands-on and letting the market work besides watching it consistently on the computer daily seems to work for me. I don't know how some day traders catch on to this boring activity, but I guess it could be some type of gambling game that they have come to be ignorant about while trying to work hard for their money. 

I believe it's more possible to have this life of having more time on my hands while being rich, and I think I've found the right source for myself. Perhaps, I could let go of online Poker for good eventually besides grinding while using my tested system to build a bankroll. I could just read up on doing stocks while investing occasionally and then call it a day with my side business after completing my short-term swing trading on the spot Forex market. I will look to even automate this portion as well someday, assuming everything keeps on going well. 

Putting it together for my business, I should be working on trading stocks first and then can finish it off while trading in the Forex market. Lastly, I can then play online Poker recreationally!