Saturday, July 18, 2020

Working Through Normal Days

Because of the setback from the coronavirus, I haven't been able to get myself out that much. I do have an outgoing friend who already went camping and is now doing a roadtrip for a few weeks. Lucky her that she can afford those luxuries and spend it with her husband and close ties who are available. She is a very sweet lady and was really interested in me before getting married, just that I wasn't responding that well to her charm all this time. I think she's average in terms of attractiveness which isn't that bad either. I think if I willed myself to keep on connecting with her and experienced deep love while being comfortable in my current situation, then things would have turned out different.

What's a practical woman who is into love really got to do, if her love interest isn't reciprocating it that well. There are a lot of factors in that mainly I don't have enough confidence, and how she's a different ethnicity and my parents are going to be against it right off the bat. It sucks to have parents who are like that. Yet, the two ladies I have a chance with the most right now are Asian, but not my ethnicity! They can sort of look the part if they spoke my parent's language well and knew the customs, but it won't be likely because it makes sense to not really put that much time doing so. 

I think if I became a millionaire philanthropist and stayed in this country then I don't think my happiness will be compromised at all. Even if I were to go visit my parent's mainland again, I don't think strangers are going to be mean towards me initially at face value. I'm practically another anonymous person in this world, and I'm very comfortable with it staying like that.