Friday, July 17, 2020

Justifying Hard Work

I must have a lot going on in my mind today because I feel like writing down something important for myself. I think the reason behind putting in a lot of effort is to feel that satisfaction of having completed it with good results. If it doesn't happen then it can be really discouraging to continue doing so, but with my mentality I feel like just trying again over and over until I get it right. 

The satisfying feeling is worth the payout of having taken a long time to get there, especially if it's something you connect very well with and have this desire. I'm now understanding what my ideals of hard work are really related to and it's something that's very positive and even addictive to a point of driving oneself to be successful at anything.

The main thing for myself is to just keep on focusing. It's quite funny in dealing with a popular post I wrote about how someone commented with how I wasted his or her time because they expected something helpful and didn't get it in return. Well, for now I have something that's very useful for me to go back to whenever I would like to remind myself.