Monday, July 13, 2020

Launching Off Side Business

Basically the motto of my side business is proper money management and self-control. It's so important to tough it out when things are a little rough and to keep on trying your best to focus on making money! The business you choose to be in also has to be something you have come to terms with and aligns with your personal ideals. It took me awhile but I figure that what I'm doing really makes sense for my own personality. I think I am pretty unique now despite having started out crazy like the rest of them! 

I'm really satisfied with what I want to work hard to achieve now. Making enough money from being employed is just from being lucky, so might as well stay nice and hard-working to the owners and co-workers until your time to leave them is set in motion! The workers who aren't known for being that nice and causing frustrations or annoyances are just plain crazy like my boss. I will be happy to leave him someday. There's more motivation for me to do well but mainly because I think this is fun and will bring me a lot of happiness and wiggle room to relax in the end while doing more meaningful things with my time.