Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Working at Staying Focused

I think my main personal barrier just deals with how I'm feeling at the moment with my brain activity. It could be something random that happened or being some entertaining flow that I'm distracted by. Well, it is fun to be in this state of mind as well and is something to go back to on a daily basis if possible. I guess I'm normal in that I'm not all about just work and no play. It's really disheartening and won't give me room to enjoy my personal life and building key relationships.

Finding out what I'm interested in and the amount I'm willing to put in the work has finally found its balance for me. It took a long time, but mainly it's just going with it even when I'm not feeling well about it. This is pretty much the Black Mamba mentality that the late Kobe Bryant liked to describe in some of his interviews. I do respect this form of discipline, so not sure if he'd be a good fit for being my role model but I am truly inspired by what he accomplished in his NBA career. 

Overall, I think there really needs to be talent with something that you feel good about doing while potentially being rewarding monetarily. If it's unethical then shame on you guys! It's really all about finding the right intent that doesn't bug the wrong people ( can take awhile to figure out) and being happy about it.