Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Motivation for Posting

What's pretty insane is that my writing is in a way, its own work of art. It will never be the same if I was to try to write the same thing over again. I find myself going back to read some of my posts that ended up becoming a little popular with the readers. I do have a tracker of how many reads I get per post, and it's like my own mission to get huge read counts. I don't really seem to be bothered anymore to not get comments from anyone. 

I think what ended up happening is that I gained a lot of confidence while being sure of myself. When I answer questions on Quora, I make sure that I pick something that I'm comfortable with having some decent knowledge or experience in. I try to be very honest about it and my topic is on programming or how to begin in Computer Science so opinions can vary, and I'm already doing pretty well being a developer myself now, so it's like I write the best answers for mainly myself but I am attracting a following of readers every once in awhile. It's pretty cool to have someone in the world interested in what I have to say about a topic. I'm not changing my honest approach up, while trying to add in a bit of intellectual and hidden humor. 

My lengthy posts can be entertaining for me personally, and I don't know if there's really people out there who can see perfectly eye to eye with me on anything I write because I can be shaky about it with myself. It's just practice I guess in communication and is pretty fun to contribute something like I'm trying to give back after all the struggles I've been through!