Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Getting Back In Order

It looks like my trading with currency is doing just fine right now. I still have yet to set up my stock portfolio, which I will be completing. I ended up finishing up an anime series last night and disregarded my discipline. It just got too good for me so I had to finish the remaining episodes on it. 

I ended up doing my growing taller stretches after binge watching four anime episodes and while in my boxers I fell into a deep sleep for the whole night on the carpet of my room. I was exhausted and unable to push myself to finish up on taking a shower and brushing my teeth. I did however move pretty efficiently in the morning. I woke up and did those things to catch up in a shorter amount of time than my average. 

I'm finding that all I really need to do is drink tea or coffee if I want to stay awake longer, but I don't want to risk it late at night because I have to get to work by 6 am the next day. Maybe on Friday and Saturday nights, I won't have a problem with doing that then to splurge.