Saturday, October 17, 2020

Getting a Girlfriend

I was doing my usual mile walk for some exercise during my break at work and then it came across to me how I'm supposed to go about finding a girlfriend. Mainly, the art of fostering a wonderful and happy relationship with a lovely lady is based on how you connect well with her from having conversations. 

First off, she should definitely be single so there won't be much complications with trying to fall in love with her. I think that all these books on picking up women are really just hustle and trying to make money off guys who struggle with it. You sort of learn by trial and error while being brave enough to take plenty of rejections as they come, while learning to be a gentleman and finding that one girl who likes you for who you really are. 

It's really just going around to ask out single ladies you are interested in. That's really all it is and waiting to find that girl who likes you from connecting well with her. You really have to carry yourself well with talking to a girl or maybe have some really nice friends who can set you up.