Thursday, October 29, 2020

Riding on Someone's Coattails

I can see myself benefiting off of well-experienced investors by listening to their advice for a nominal fee annually. It doesn't really bother me at all. I would like to get into their highest level of membership and gain access to all VIP services once I have saved up enough from investing.

I think I just need about $100,000 saved up in my portfolio before taking advantage of everything they have to offer. It probably won't happen until about another five to seven years with the pace I'm currently going at. I'm totally fine with it. 

At the same time, their research is the only thing I'm taking seriously into consideration and the rest of the managing is going to be done by me. In a way, I see it as paying to become successful from buying monthly newsletters. It's making a lot of sense to me with what I'm reading and am totally comfortable with putting some of my hard-earned money at risk afterwards. 

There are also available options with hiring a trading manager. I went with this route in the beginning with Forex trading and experienced failure twice. I then decided to go with my way and so have been managing better with far less losses and even taking profit better than their past performances. 

Don't believe in any guarantees trading managers make with you unless you can make a deal with them and put enough trust that they will pay out of their pocket with any losses they incur to your account. This is the lesson I learned from experience and failed to notice from being desperate to make some money. The good thing though is that hardship has taught me to be a lot better at investing and now I'm able to identify profitable trades using my own system I developed.