Thursday, July 15, 2021

Approaching Life Better

I think a lot of the things I'm doing are trivial but for mainly passing the time. It's pretty much wasting time while letting myself get carried away and not working towards anything meaningful. There really needs to be a balance so life can be enjoyed better! I would like to approach my goals while maintaining them regularly and be so far ahead that I can enjoy passing the time much more often, while being the happy and smart person that I want to stay at. 

It's pretty simple with the direction that I'm going towards. I want to stay planted on my actual reality and take advantage of my problem solving skills to make my life ever better from putting in the hard work with it. I'm about combining hard work and intelligence to get ahead and then maintain it without having to put in that much effort anymore. This transition of making the leap is really difficult and does require plenty of awareness and self-discipline. 

The personal aspects of it are important too and I mainly see it from a psychological stance. The positive attitude will go a long way and it's important to make it count!