Friday, July 16, 2021

Chugging It Along Properly

From having been detached about money for a while and observing the ups and downs of the stock market daily without really caring too much about any down days, I'm noticing that being successful has a lot to do with your attitude! Even when there's some struggles, it's really about keeping yourself going and putting in the effort to reach your desired goals. 

Sometimes, you just have to let it go because the circumstance was forced upon you or not really the best time to match up any interests fully. It happens and there's really nothing you can do about it, so toughen up about it and move on to doing something better for yourself! Of course, there's a natural stubbornness that some people have from being wired differently than others. Whatever happens, they put it upon themselves and if they are depressed or having trouble managing themselves then they ought to seek out some professional counseling if they want it to be settled immediately. If not, then they have to tend to themselves with no one really helping them out and hopefully stay out of harm's way. 

I think a friend is pretty much dumb from being clueless and trying to do surprising moves that feel like the best thing to get it his way even if it means trying to take advantage of others. He's not going anywhere in life from just not understanding things in detail enough and already being worn out from having tried so hard while not getting more needed breaks. He deserves what he put upon himself, even if he always thinks he should have it better. 

He's pretty harmless for the most part, if you never go near him and whatever he does or says isn't going to have any effect. I think I'm better off just ignoring him and moving on now. 

I on the other hand really do scare some people off of their knickerbockers! They perceive me to be a threat much to my chagrin because I enjoy always getting along with everyone. They are idiots and have a pattern of thinking that makes them not be pleasant people while not on top of the world. It can be something related to a brain defect they were born with and haven't learned to cope with in a healthy manner yet. I don't really want to put in the effort with them because I set obtaining my goals higher than making time for them. 

I think I would get along really well with all the superstars in this world even if their reputations are shaky because they wouldn't ever have to perceive me to be of any threat, since they will probably know that they are better than me at something and already have all that personal confidence I look for in people.