Thursday, July 8, 2021

Sharpening My Money Making System

I've been quite at it for a while with profiting off the volatile Forex market. I'm looking forward to trying out the same system on investing in cryptocurrencies and stocks. The only thing that I am opting out of for good is shorting. 

Shorting is a type of investment where you borrow stock to sell from the broker and then later buy it back at a lower market price. The problem with shorting in the market is that if the price goes higher than you can end up paying more when you want to stop selling. There's also something called putting your account in the negative, which makes this type of trade incredibly risky!

With trading my charts in Forex, it looks like I'm settling in on looking at the weekly, daily, and four hour charts. My average time in the market looks to be about a few days regularly and rarely will it go past a month, so looking at these time frames really matches my style and keeps up enough with the momentum.