Thursday, October 8, 2009

Let's be honest with myself

I'm going to write a secret post where I detail everything that I want to say. I think this is something I want to keep personal for the sake of trying to move on better. Overall, I see that my emotions are easily becoming very nice for me to overcome. I have the ability to outdo my own personal frustration and anger. I have this inner desire to be thinking about things in a fair manner whenever I feel that a thought on a person is going downhill. After all, I'm starting to not really mind a forced upon separation with others. I don't want to let down others now. I need to turn it around and be more disciplined. I could see that even though I feel that I'm really short, I have a privileged mind that feeds on feeling great about propriety, morality, humor, and nice sensibility. I think I've done enough soul searching with myself these past couple years. It's time to start a new slate clean with the hope of the Lord. I think it's okay to be blunt in front of others sometimes, even if it makes them want to shy away from you later. With a nice smile and good attitude in the face of hostility, danger, and confusion, it sure beats violence a million times.