Friday, October 30, 2009

Pretty Cool Start in Job Hunt

I think I can exaggerate and say there's like over 100 K jobs related to the I.T. industry in my state. Let's see, there's the Silicon Valley where Bill Gates used to thrive and there's also another tech bowl in Orange County. There's a lot of jobs out there in Los Angeles with it being the largest city in the U.S. There are so many opportunities that there's no shame in signing up for a lot of them and never being returned a phone call. It really does not matter because as you put yourself out there and learn more material that is proven to be relevant to the work force, all these people are going to want to hire you. There is no shame in the work that you put in to get a job because it's ethical. Money is necessary but it is not really how human happiness operates. It's just the joy and passion of doing something you could make an earning off of that really holds true. It's just a mature thing to contribute at work. It's also Biblically accepted to get a job even though working at someone's company for a wage could be seen upon as a gamble. Anything that really deals with earning money is a form a gamble. It's just that some are more stable in its actuality and worth it. Like you could go to a casino and watch others win cash and get all happy which could be good but it's like if you put in the money, you definitely have a losing advantage against the casino. I don't recommend gambling your money in general. There's at least some form of agreement with the employer which could overlook your gambling aspect of working for them. You are basically gambling your time to make some money. Money is great to have but I think family, friends, and people in this world are directly more important than someone's wealth. Overall, when you are old enough it's okay to make your own decisions. So, be careful because I care.

I guess if you really speak the truth around others, they could really see your flaws. Being open about it and being selfish is like technically normal and not so really appealing. Man, I try not to get so mad about life but yeesh I feel lots of adrenaline at times by putting some thought into this pretty irritating and strange girl who I just don't want to really feel any physical attraction for. I did write about her by using a fake name. I am still going to protect her image from the internet audience but if someone finds out just letting it be known that her name is pretty common. My sister's name is pretty common too but she got plagued with identity theft. Poor gals. My sister has been annoying me a lot too but I guess I need to step up to being a big brother and try to dump out the adrenaline that I'm occasionally feeling and by being more open. I think girls can handle full throttle honesty and then start getting all nice and honest with you too. I would hate my sister visiting me in jail and going like I told you so in a nice way. I would really want to sock the living daylights out of another guy then.