Thursday, June 24, 2010

Big 500th Post

I'm sure that I've written more than just 500 postings on the internet, so for this site alone, I'm at 500. Okay, this is not much of a celebration for me. I guess there's going to be no end to me writing, so yeah there I go again with typing away.

I'm going to do some goal settings. Even though I was considered to be not that sharp at a job site, I beg to differ because I tried my absolute best; and this lead-worker just did not feel right about me and all this luck did not work out for me. I don't really care; I'm back on the job market again and will have no problems finding another job. I do not really mind at all. I was given that kind of encouragement as well for me.

I feel pretty content with my sexuality and how I was brought up with that, so I should really end my days of masturbation and viewing pornography. It's starting to get a lot easier when I put some thought into it. The sex drive is putting me in this mind set that makes me do those types of things, but I just have to treat it as something uncomfortable I'm going to have to get used to. Wait until I get a real girlfriend, that's where the fun is going to begin. I'm not going to try that until I can get this sexual addiction under control a little more, and I have this content wholeness with myself.