Monday, June 21, 2010

Really Confused

I'm writing this post again for my own personal gain. This is meant to be private once again but I'm sharing because I have this need to be honest, even though I don't need to be so vocally challenged with saying these type of details about myself.

Right after ejaculating through masturbation, I lose some sexual momentum and don't feel like being in the mood for sex. I just hate getting caught up with myself in this personal struggle. I don't like the idea of misleading myself where I have this emotion that seems to be so promising for me, but afterwards, the emotional side of things go away and I'm hit with this rock-bottom revelation that I'm doing something wrong here. I need to stop this auto-erotocism behavior for whatever reason because it's a weakness for me.

After gaining my pique with sexual desire, I am highly susceptible to viewing pornographic material and masturbating. I would really like to end this behavior for myself and learn to deal with it in a spiritually healthy manner. I'm going to have to come up with a strategic plan to make this work for myself. If I can really dedicate myself to this and remember the pains that it is taking me through, then I think I can apply this point of principle to other things as well.