Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My Honest Situation With Bipolar

Honestly, growing up had some pains for me. When I was a senior in high school, a female classmate claimed that all women have bipolar and that she stated that she was on medication. I just sat there really quiet and did not know how to reminisence about it. I used to ask her if she liked some things I did and that's about it.

During my sophomore year in high school, I did a whole heck of a lot of crying. I was so depressed from getting bad grades on my report card. I was so distracted from playing video games and not sleeping enough. I was so addicted to the internet during that year and it really had some compromising attributes in my social life, which made me depressed. I wanted to have a normal social life and feel accepted by others and even my friends probably felt that I was being a little weird but in a really funny way because I'm also the type who learned to stick to it and be aggressively hardworking.

Okay, so maybe it feels like a fluke with me being diagnosed with bipolar. I was just so dejected about hearing echos in my head. I think the stress came from trying to force myself to be a better student and layoff on playing video games. I was just too sensitive and not used to being away from the internet around my life or video games and then I became really lonely because nothing unaccompanied my time being to myself. My friends would do some stuff outside every once in awhile and I would feel so separated with everyone during this period of adolesence.