Monday, June 14, 2010

Few Hours To Figure It Out

I guess I sleep pretty late and then get up pretty early. It's a little hard for me to adapt into to this work horse attitude. I would like to get into this habit now because it's something I want to earn a living off of. I think it takes a great deal of faith to have persistence in doing some novel things. I used to have these certain types of hardship feelings that would prevent me a little from trying harder.

Right now, I'm going to try to become a better investor in the foreign exchange market. It's going to take a lot of head knowledge to make some money off of this. I'm also going to work on a project with some friends to develop some cell phone games; that sounds like a lot of fun to mess around with. I also feel a little better about accepting my height, which I would like to be taller. I guess I just want to be taller than most women and I don't really know why. I've seen couples where the female is taller at this mall, and I saw like three couples walking around on a Saturday. I really did not care when I saw it and was like hmm, this is the new millenium where brain power is exceeding physical height. Females must be pretty smart a little more than before, or maybe they're just the same still to these peaceful times. I guess if I was a girl and dated a smaller guy, I'd be smiling a lot if he could make me laugh.