Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My Professional Plan

This is pretty fun for me to write here and put down what I want to try. I guess making an okay living is alright so far, but I want to try to gain some more profit so I am going to try out investing. I guess trying out the Forex Market seems to represent a huge challenge, but big national banks are in on this foreign exchange to make some profit. The cool side is that you can create a practice account to do whatever you want to it and see how you would do in a real-life situation. I'm going to have to extend myself quite a lot of practice before going into this market.

I do see how it can be helpful to poorer countries in that you are ideally buying a foreign currency for cheaper and then investing your currency on them. Interestingly, this market has some central banks that can control how the whole money flow is going, and they pretty much have unlimited capital. According to Wikipedia, this market is also said to represent the closest market to perfect competition. This playing field is not for everyone and requires a lot of discipline and knowledge and assistance to get somewhere with this career.  Over 3 trillion dollars are being traded in this market, which makes it the largest liquid financial market in the planet!

I think overall, making money while contributing to this world is quite a ways to go and could be well-rewarding in financial terms. I don't really feel comfortable being a career poker player because its best purpose seems to be just entertaining viewers. I'm going to logically cut the cord in going pro with poker because it's really too hard and requires a lot of sweating while having very likely uncertainty. So my plan is to research and try out stuff and hopefully, it'll connect with more profit for me.