Saturday, September 25, 2010

Committing and Disciplining Self

I'm writing today about an area that I could really work on myself. During these next couple days that lead to the ending of this year, I might actually start discussing about my needs to stay focused on a practical thing in my life and stick to it now, while limiting doing some things that I like for the purpose of fulfilling more things that I'm interested for myself.  I realize that publishing my honest thoughts on this blog has helped me a lot through understanding my trials and getting reacquainted with the good stuff in life.

I don't really feel like I'm lacking somewhere internally anymore; maybe, it's because I could classify myself as a young grown up- at least I'm still younger than some women who act a little too immature for their age. Taking a few moments out of my life to analyze where I'm at and deciding what to go after is giving me so much closure. I believe that God also has a big part in a role of shaping who I am; I am pretty much one of those believers who became amazed and stunned by the incredible work Jesus had done for me and that I wished to be made new again and to rejoice in my state that I will someday be with the Lord in heaven. Fortunately for my soul, the Bible doesn't really mind a little healthy competition and to be more progressive technologically in a way that becomes more fitting for the world. I'm starting to feel really hearty about things that I want to accomplish and going after them.