Friday, September 24, 2010

Today Is A Brand New Day

Today is a good day! I feel good! I look good! I smell good! I'm going to make money, money, money! Haha. Those are just lines that I'm copying and putting on this post. They actually take a lot longer to chant to your self personally. It's just funny to do that as a motto, which I thought was unique.

What I feel I'm lacking right now is a routine with a great purpose. It feels good to be living with a fulfilling dream. Honestly, the Bible seems to scare some people from living out in search of its true meaning. They seem to go with the flow of differing opinions, and what worries me a little is the people who seem to think the Bible is based off of fake things coming from a not so reputable group- the Jews, not being racist here, but God of the Old Testament did find the Jews to be His people while they were a small and oppressed group.

I remember a movie that talked about how the Koran was very enriching with its allusions and interesting take on life while the world banned religion. However, the Koran seems to encourage violence to get an extraordinary means accomplished which I'm sure is shunned by Muslims who claim to be good people. A verse in the Koran talks about getting rid of the infidels who might want to exercise freedom of speech over personal matters- it's like some of the third world countries that look to Islam are still being people in that they look to any justifiable means to hold violent protests. I don't really think the Koran really solves anything as it tries to justify the condition of man and serves to prolong a tradition.