Friday, September 17, 2010

Enjoying Adversity

I'm really starting to like challenges and having fun getting through them now. This means dealing with anything that gets in my way and seeing as a challenge. I realize that I've always had fun getting out of them, like anyone would and just that it got a little stale getting out of it all the time for me. It's the saying that you sometimes get tired of having too much of something. I've felt so much success over getting out of adversity that it gets stale after awhile, so I became highly inactive.

I'm back refreshed and way more wiser than I've ever been. My emotions are like so strong that it can't really be swayed anymore. Honestly, I may have thought television wrestling was fun for awhile, but it's starting to get sort of boring to watch now because it's not that real as I thought it was. It's a lot of charades and very funny to laugh at times and looks cool but I can't get so caught up over it anymore like some people can. I'm going to a very practical area where I'll be so rich that having a lot of money for me won't even sound funny to me anymore and I'll be with financial independence and with a greater sense of moral responsibility. It's like I don't feel daunted anymore with expensive items but I'm still not going to purchase them like an idiot would and waste money for no real reason. Maybe I'll acquire a beach house, decent car that gets good mileage, a motorcycle, a boat, a motor home, and buy stuff to work on as a hobby and get up to date about stuff going on in this world and having a first class Bible education. I'm honestly the type who has a conscience so doing bad stuff is not my cup of tea. I would rather call people who think they are my friends and start doing bad things with others or me idiots and being upfront and honest with them and start laughing, rather then becoming that person.  

Honestly, I don't mind treating out a person when he or she least expects it and asking nothing back in return. It feels good. I'm not God or anything higher like that but I see that the loving God in the Bible would have reason to be exceedingly joyful about giving or feeling hurt by us at times.