Saturday, September 18, 2010

Exciting Opportunity

I think it's important to jump the wagon and to be comfortable about learning some things while minimizing loss of capital when it comes to running a business in the beginning. I plan on becoming a financial trader and am going to utilize some techniques; I have nothing to lose because all the knowledge that I have obtained has been free so far; I will only inquire more charges if I decide to pursue further into some techniques. For the time being, I am going to now try real money because I am comfortable following directions and risking a little money. I'm basically going to like put less than 1% of my starting capital to each trade and literally put together all the techniques and keep on adding them and analyzing those trades by putting them into a journal now. I want to become very serious with increasing my portfolio. I really like this whole managing my own hours and having a market to invest in by myself because it gives me some favorable time to work out, like a typical full time job does not really afford for me. I'm basically going to play it safe and look for very highly profitable and probable trades now.

If I end up doing well in these trades, I'm going to treat my friends out because I've learned to pick up the tab for friends from my dad. I'm also going to have fun donating to victims, but their situation is not fun- no pun intended. I will basically acquire a lot of high tech stuff with the funds as well because I'm pretty big on being a technologist; I'm a pretty crazy programmer in that I can do it for twelve hours a day if not distracted like no money and finding better things like loving my wife and kids. I'm going to increase my I.T. resume by acquiring all these stupid Microsoft and Cisco certifications that would make anyone look good because of the expert status you get. I will also get an education to become a doctor that a willing child could learn if he wanted to, only that he will have to wait to get his license to do surgery. I want to be pretty health conscience so why not learn material that doctors know and be able to be one when the situation calls for it. I will have a lot of responsibility, but then again I could joke with people I don't like that I won''t help them but in the end I do it anyways because it's the doctor's creed to help even mortal enemies even if the doctor is going to get bombed in the end.